Viewing Real-time data streams (MySql, Logstash & WebSockets) - Part 2

Before You Start

hint: Always backup anything before making a change to it

How To

You can also find these instructions here:

Open Command Line

  2. type CMD
  3. press enter

Run Application/Command

  1. Open command line
  2. type `
  3. press enter

Environment Variables

Before appending any values it is advised to copy the existing value into a text file and save that.
  1. Run the 'rundll32 sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables' command.
    1. Adding a new value
      1. new
      2. enter variable name.
      3. enter variable value.
    2. Appending an item to an existing value.
      1. open the existing item.
      2. append a semicolon (';') and the value you want to add to the existing text.
      3. Click the "OK" button.

Linux v Windows

A lot of open source applications are written with Linux in mind so it's useful to know some of the differences you might face when it comes to configuration.
  • Linux 
    • Path Separators: backslash ('/')
    • Quotation Marks: single quotes (' ')
    • Closing Console Applications: CTRL+D
  • Windows
    • Path Separators: forward slash (''\")
    • Quotation Marks: double quotes (" ")
    • Closing Console Applications: CTRL+C

Preparing the environment

You should keep track of the versions for all the software you install so that you can use it in the paths below.

Installing Java

  • Download the jre8 installer from
    • Extract the contents of the folder to C:\Program Files\Java\.
  • Testing Java.
    • Open a command prompt instance
    • Navigate to C:\Program Files\Java
    • Run the following command within the command line.
      • java -version
    • You should see the text.
      • java version and the Java Version you installed

Logstash for Windows


  • Download the Logstash installer from
  • To install Logstash follow these steps.
    • Create the folder "C:\Elastic".
    • Unzip the contents of the downloaded file into "C:\Elastic".
    • You should see the following folder "C:\Elastic\logstash-[version]".
  • Testing your installation.
    • Open command line.
    • Navigate to the new folder you created by executing the following command.
      • cd C:\Elastic\logstash-[version]
    • Execute the following command.
      • bin\logstash -e "input { stdin {} } output { stdout {} }"
  • Set the following Environment Variables.
    • Create/Replace "JAVA_HOME" with "C:\Elastic\logstash-[version]\jdk" (or the latest installation path for Java).
    • Append "PATH" with "JAVA_HOME\bin".


  • Backup the following files (copy-paste and rename the extensions to .bak)
    • C:\Elastic\logstash-[version]\config\logstash.yml
    • C:\Elastic\logstash-[version]\config\pypelines.yml
    • C:\Elastic\logstash-[version]\Gemfile
  • Create the following files
    • C:\Elastic\logstash-[version]\config\example.mysql.cfg
  • Replace the contents of the files as below
    • C:\Elastic\logstash-[version]\config\logstash.yml
      • log.level : info
    • C:\Elastic\logstash-[version]\config\pipelines.yml
- example-mysql-pipeline
  path.config: config/example.mysql.cfg
  pipeline.workers: 1
  • C:\Elastic\logstash-[version]\config\example.mysql.stdout.cfg
input {
      jdbc {
          jdbc_driver_library => "./jdk/connectors/mysql-connector-java-8.0.25.jar"
          jdbc_driver_class => "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"
          jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:mysql://"
          jdbc_user => "root"
          jdbc_password => "password"
          schedule => "*/3 * * * * *"
          statement => "SELECT Id, Item, Price FROM LogWatcherTest WHERE Id > :sql_last_value"
          tracking_column => "id"
          use_column_value => true
  output {
      websocket {
          id => "sqlite_web_socket_output_id"
          host => ""
          port => "3232"
          codec => "json"

Installing the WebSocket Plugin

  • Add the below line to the end of the "C:\Elastic\logstash-[version]\Gemfile" file
    • gem "logstash-output-websocket", :path => "./logstash-output-websocket"
  • Copy the logstash-output-websocket folder from into "C:\Elastic\logstash-[version]"
  • Within your logstash folder run the following commands within command prompt
    • bin/logstash-plugin install --no-verify

Installing MySQL

  • Download the MySQL windows installer from
  • Run the downloaded installer.
    • Choose Developer Default as your option.
    • Wait for the installation to ask you for a username and password.
    • Set your root user password to "password".
  • Copy the JDBC driver file
    • From C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\Connector J 8.0\mysql-connector-java-8.0.25.jar
    • To C:\Elastic\logstash-7.13.0\jdk\connectors
  • Open an instance of MySQL Workbench.
    • Execute the below create table statement within your MySQL session.
CREATE TABLE sys.logWatcherTest (
  Price DECIMAL(19, 3) NOT NULL );
Executing the applications


  • Run the following commands in command line.
    • cd C:\Elastic\logstash-[version]
    • run bin\logstash
  • Don't close the window until you are finished with playing around.

HTML WebSocket Client

  • Download the WebSocket Application from the github repository.
  • Open the index.html file in a browser and leave it running.

Running the Demo

  • Open a MySQL workbench instance
    • Run the following SQL query.
    • INSERT INTO LogWatcherTest (Item, Price) VALUES ("Makita Drill", "12,2");
  • Finally check your logstash output for the row that was just inserted as well as your browser for a new line within the site.


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